Here are some of our important members! Click on a member to know more about them!
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"Fueled by milk"

Carlito's Fun Image Username: carlitooo

Mother of all. the creator of the server. A legend an Icon and he is the moment. If you're ever lost, let him guide you. Bringing people together is what he's good at. His words are as comforting as a mother's embrace.
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Paul McDuckney


Paul's Fun Image Username: darkyducky

Trusted Admin and friend, Ducky or Neil, is Carl's player 2. A wise and mature person and a good listener. He's always down for whatever and here to look out for you.
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"Let's give it the benefit of the drought"

Rebel's Fun Image Username: rebelellis

Carl's bestest friend, Co-owner of the server. Rebel radiates with energy, with flamboyance and style! Bold and energetic, whatever situation you may face, you can count on him to get the party started and get everyone talking!
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"Queen never cry."

Tabby's Fun Image Timid at first, Tabby is a young one with lots of energy. If you ever need a good companion, Tabby will never fail to hype you up.
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"Simple is what simply makes me the best."

Cakey's Fun Image Username: .yowgi.

A trusted admin and friend. Cakey is also a flamboyant one, but gentle on the inside. Guaranteed to make you laugh, as well as pick you up when you need it.
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"Just Meowing around🐱"

Nori's Fun Image Username: meowy_inori

Our resident cat person Nori, is a trusted admin, the master behind our server emoticons! A good teacher radiating with kindness, knowledgable in roblox and other skills. So if you ever need a helping hand she'll be happy to walk with you!
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"Money can't buy happiness, but guaranteed I'm worth the price 💋 "

Milo's Fun Image Username: reverieeunoia

One of our most active members. Young and full of charm, Reverie's exterior is pretty intimidating at first. But once you pass the vibe check, you'll find out there's a lot more to her. She's kind, she's righteous, and knows her worth. A good and honest friend.